Oy Vey! Who are all these Goyim?

The first Christ followers had a good problem. Both Jews and Gentiles (or Goyim in Yiddish) were becoming Christ followers, but each had different needs, perspectives and traditions. Paul was a chameleon, an artist, a master at being able to reach any person of any audience. This ability to evangelically cross pollinate seems to be a lost skill in the fractured world we live in. In this message I talk about how to effectively communicate the gospel to a wide variety of people no matter their background.

Privilege, Africa, Justice And A Single White Girl: Part One with Christine Garde

As a non-believing single white female and concerned for social justice, Christine Garde gave God a 30 day time frame to change her life. She told God that she was going to be all in. All it meant was working with gangs, adopting a daughter and changing long existing institutions in Africa for the better. This is worth a listen!