The Crown: Episode 7. Rest On All Sides. 2 Samuel 7:8-11.

Is your life all about getting “Likes?” One of the curses of our age is convincing people that they must be great to have value. David never pursued greatness, greatness pursued David. He allowed his life to be crafted by God. Let God take you to the place you were meant to be. You might just find peace and rest there, instead of chasing Likes.

Saul Takes His Life 1 Samuel 31:1-13 #NeverGiveUp

Saul Takes His Life 1 Samuel 31:1-13 What are you preparing for? Saul, preparing his entire life, finally met the moment he prepared for: failure and destruction. When your moment comes; preparation is over! The preparation and decisions we made in the lifetime leading to our moment will be brought forth into a reality in just moments. Preparation needs to be focused seeking to know God and running to a place of worship when our troubles chase you.

King David Part 2: The Fugitive. Episode 10. Psalm 63. Dancing in the Desert.

Dancing in the Desert. Thirst is one of the most basic needs. All of us are quenching our thirst somewhere. David was able to quench his thirst in a place where there is no water. David built personal sanctuaries and had the ability to live antithetical to his surroundings. He was able to renovate his surroundings through worship and praise.

King David Part 2: The Fugitive. 1 Samuel 28:3-20. Episode 8.

Saul and the Witch of Endor. To quote Sting in a classic song by The Police, “We are spirits in a material world.” The materialist worldview denies this. How do you balance your spiritual life with your material life? Do you ever experience or acknowledge the spiritual battle going on around you? God wants us to experience the spiritual world on His terms and through two primary revelators – Holy Spirit Revelation and God’s Word.

David the Fugitive – Part 2: Episode 5 Abigail Saves David From Sin 1 Samuel 25:28-34

Join Pastor Adam as he explores the person of Abigail. She is a woman of both beauty and inelegance, worthy to rule alongside David. She provides us a model of what God intended for women. Abigail provides us with inspiration and a model that women and men will benefit in immeasurable ways to learn.

King David The Fugitive. Episode 4: 1 Samuel 24:1-7 Choosing Not To Strike.

As David was fleeing from Saul, refuge was his rescue. Rather than rushing in to fight a battle, he chose a safe place to hide. We are always looking for a way out, but the way out is to go in #InvokeThePresence. David was a master at avoiding traps. Traps are meant to catch us by surprise and put us into bondage – financial, relational, physical, emotional, and cultural traps. For David, power was a trap. But instead of seizing power, David allowed the Lord to give Him the victory.

Creating a Culture of Victory 1 Sam 22:1-5

When a victim, is it a state of permanency? OR: Are you taking responsibility and performing the actions to transition from victimized or victim to victor. David, just like Jesus, where victimized. David gave us a template, in how to transition from victimized to victor. Pastor Adam explores the story of David and draws out for us heart changing lessons we need to apply to our own lives. Key question: Who are you transforming (it can be yourself or others) and what are you transforming them into?

King David Part 2: The Fugitive 1 Samuel 19

On The Run. King David flees to Nob. Join pastor Adam Stadtmiller on his journey of explaining David’s true underdog story escaping murder from Saul. Pastor Adam explains David’s struggles and explains how to overcome no matter how lost you may feel. If your moment comes tomorrow will you be ready?