The Giant Series: Samuel Judges Israel – 1 Samuel 7:3-17

Having victory in a culture of victimization. Samuel’s call for a complete and holistic return to the Lord was required. God gives Israel a physical victory through only spiritual means. Not only did Israel have victory in the moment, but also a restoration of the past.

The Giant Series: Samuel Meets God

Israel was spiritually stagnant due to sin. The voice of the Lord was “rare in those days”. Most of this was due to sin. Hearing the voice of the Lord can be another. In this message we look at both of these giants and put young Samuel under the microscope to see why God decided to come to this soft-hearted young boy.

Sermons On Humanism And Human Sexuality

Here are four sermons that every Christ follower needs to hear in order to be equipped to discuss the current cultural shifts of our day.

Human Secularism Pt. 2: God is love, but love is not God

The temptation to supplant God’s will for mankind’s changing desires has always been the ultimate temptation. Today we are seeing the full expression of that being foisted upon our culture. Secular religion tells us that Love is God and that sin no longer exist. In this message we break that down and look at what it means to be holy.

Christ-Following in a Secular World

The story of Esther shows a woman living during an historical apex and tasked with the proposition of risking it all to save a people. Many would agree that the age we live in is also a historical crossroads. Secular Humanism is locking horns with a faith-based worldview. So how do we live a life of love in a new world order while keeping a deep dependence on an ancient and eternal truth?


Last month consumer debt reached one trillion dollars. This is far surpassed by the United States eleven trillion dollar total. As a people we are in bondage. But what does the bible say about debt and why did Jesus talk about money so much? In the message pastor Adam talks about how Jesus uses financial debt to talk about a much larger debt we all owe and what he intends to do about it.