SPENT: Episode 2. What’s SOW Important About the Harvest? Proverbs 3:9-10; Isaiah 61:1-7

Tithing starts with the understanding that we are God’s greatest treasure and He is ours. Tithing is an overflow of this understanding. It is with that foundation and understanding that sacrificial generosity unlocks “deeper favor” upon your life from God. Join Pastor Adam as we learn what it looks like when you move away from thin margins of giving to walking in the deep favor of God.

My Interview With Life Coach Kent Porter

Kent Porter is a faith-based executive life and business coach who has worked with companies like Apple, Disney and Qualcom just to name just a few. Kent has a passion for people and helping them find passion in their workplace no matter what they do. Kent and I sit down to talk about work culture, faith and fixing your frustrations at work.

SPENT: Episode 1. What the Bible Says About Tithing. Malachi 3:6-12.

Tithing is not the Lotto. The tithe was an obligatory law of Moses requiring 10 percent of the first fruits of the harvest. It was a reminder that all things we have are His. Is tithing still required? No. God paid the debt due to the law by tithing His son. God is not a fan of the mandatory tithe. He loves when we give freely with a cheerful heart.

The Tongue: Episode 3. The Word of Encouragement Acts 15:32 & 9:27

Various. Encouragement fuels Kingdom growth and drives destiny. The final part of our 21-day tongue cleanse looks at encouraging stories in the Bible and how words were used to alter individual and corporate destiny. Encouragement also allows us to live in the supernatural, expecting miracles. Your words could strengthen somebody.

The Tongue: Episode 2 Gossip and Slander. Ephesians 4:29, James, Proverbs.

Gossip wouldn’t exist if we didn’t consume it. Continuing the 21-day cleanse of our tongue and the words we use, Pastor Adam asks us to commit to becoming a gossip-free church. His message explains how gossip and slander affirm lack rather than abundance. How it is in direct conflict with God’s Law. And how it poisons and destroys us from the inside out. Grace and encouragement are the wholesome approach.

The Tongue: Episode 2. Gossip and Slander. Ephesians 4:29, James, Proverbs.

Gossip wouldn’t exist if we didn’t consume it. Continuing the 21-day cleanse of our tongue and the words we use, Pastor Adam asks us to commit to becoming a gossip-free church. His message explains how gossip and slander affirm lack rather than abundance. How it is in direct conflict with God’s Law. And how it poisons and destroys us from the inside out. Grace and encouragement are the wholesome approach.

Stuff Jesus Said: Episode 9. Breakfast At Jesus’ John 21:1-12.

Jesus wants to prove himself to you within the context of faith. After He was raised from the dead, Jesus appeared to His disciples on the beach. They had fished all night without a catch. Jesus told them to cast the net on the other side of the boat, and their faith gave them a huge haul. Then Jesus said, “come and have breakfast.” Sometimes it is our faith that helps us defy the odds and know that Jesus is with us.

Stuff Jesus Said: Episode 8. The Greatest Commandment. Matthew 10:34-39; Luke 14:26-35.

Sprint Spiritually and Walk Slow. Youth Pastor Harry Wilson applies Jesus’ commandment to “…love one another” to our busy lives today. Even though we have so much going on, loneliness is prevalent. Jesus teaches us to “lose” our life for His sake to find it. To love one another well, we must pursue God above all else and find a powerful source of life.

Stuff Jesus Said: Episode 7. The Jesus Peace. John 14:23-27

In this scripture just before Jesus says, “My peace I give you,” He implores us to obey His teaching. Obedience is the road God’s love and presence travel upon. Pastor Adam gives us a spiritual equation that exponentially multiplies peace in our lives: Holy Spirit Guidance + Obedience = Peace. Have you ever experienced the rush of comfort, peace and blessing that comes with obedience?

Stuff Jesus Said: Episode 6. Ask me for anything – Kingdom Prayer. John 14:5-14

 If you could ask God for anything, what would it be? When Jesus said “You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it,” did He really mean it? We often limit prayer to acquiring a thing, when it is really about acquiring kingdoms. Prayer is a spiritual weapon. The Kingdom Prayer is more about understanding what God wants to do rather than asking Him to bless our own agenda.